Suddenly // May

There’s a shift in the spirit. Do you feel it?

It’s been buzzing and pulsating in my brain for the last few weeks, just out of the blue. God is like that sometimes, working in the suddenlies. Opportunities will come out of nowhere—though you soon realize He’s been orchestrating them long before you caught a glimpse. 

About the Poem

The heart of this poem comes from a vision I had last October. I originally titled this poem “the canoe,” until I felt it was the poem for this month. I had a vision of being out on the ocean alone in an old wooden canoe. By myself, but not really alone because Jesus was with me. I was crying because the Holy Spirit had led me all the way out there, and I felt that no one would be able to find me. It was desolate. I didn’t want to be out there by myself, but He had driven me there by His Spirit for His purposes. And all of a sudden in the vision, He tells me to turn around, and I do. And He’s bringing someone to me, walking on the water. 

God works in the suddenly. 

After a few months of nothing, I felt the vision was a tease. But lately it started coming up again. A friend who wasn’t aware of my vision had their own vision of me out on the ocean by myself in a canoe. And another friend offered me a free kayak that had just washed up on her lake shore. She felt I should have it. More strange confirmations kept creeping up in April. So a suddenly felt right for May.

“It’s not a mirage,” I heard the Lord say in the vision.

Even still, my heart has wanted to linger in my current season. I’m not quite ready for everything to change. I know things always must change—but I’m enjoying the quiet waters, the still rocking of the boat. A time is coming for a new adventure, but until it’s here, I just want to linger as long as I can.

About the Art

I had a couple of paintings I went back and forth on for this month’s artwork. There was a bright yellow one with deep greens and a deep red one with black spots—but this is the one I felt I should choose. I don’t quite know why, but it just felt right. It does remind me of a garden, a bit lighter than last month’s garden artwork. It’s simply gouache on watercolor paper, nothing fancy. But simple feels right for this season.

For the Spotify playlist, OF COURSE, Elevation Worship came out with a song about Suddenly. It’s been on repeat, so check it out.

Do You Feel It?

It’s time to build. It’s time to take ground and step into the fields that were meant for you. No more holding back. Don’t let fear keep you from this new season. Just step out. With God, you can walk on water.



Kairos // June


Remember // April