Courage // February

Last month, I felt the Lord speak “abundance” over January. And I can confirm, that word followed me around everywhere I went! About halfway through the month, another word started to chase me down: courage. God began asking me to pray it over myself and others.

Did you know the Bible speaks of courage approximately 38 times, depending on the translation, mainly with the phrase “be strong and courageous?” If we were naturally courageous, God wouldn’t have to repeat Himself so much!

About the Poem

For a while now, I’ve been sitting on some promises with God. They are promises He brought to me, continuously asks me to contend for, and for months have felt quite hopeless in the natural. Courage has felt lacking, to say the least. But courage is a matter of the heart. It’s strengthening your heart, standing firm, remaining steadfast.

When things feel impossible in the natural, God encourages me to “come away” with Him. To soar above the clouds like an eagle. To sharpen my vision on Him and not the works of the enemy. Sometimes the enemy is so distracting! And he’s always around if you look for him.

Don’t pollute your eyes or heart with the work of the enemy. Keep your vision on Jesus.

I’m always overcome when I think of how God would humble Himself, just to draw near to me. Me? In my sin? In my shame? After everything? He still chose me. He still chooses me every time.

So this poem is a call to arms. It’s a call of ascension. To rise above the clamor and the noise. To fly where the eagles soar. To fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. A man has the power to change the course of history, but only God can change a heart. Let Him change your heart in February, friends. Don’t be afraid of the work. Restoration sometimes looks like demolition. 

God wants to partner with us. You can choose to be a John or a Judas.

About the Art

I started working on a new collection called “Made for Joy.” It’s a phrase I felt the Lord speak over me in 2023. I was made for joy. Which, if you knew me before I got fully healed, you would have laughed! I used to be very sad and depressed and anxious—but it’s because I was made for joy. And the enemy wanted to steal my destiny from me. God placed the gifts of joy, peace, and wisdom over me, so it’s no surprise the enemy wanted me depressed, fearful, and apathetic. 

Praise God that He can heal, redeem, and restore anything!

So with that in mind, I started this collection. My world lately has been in technicolor. And so my art has reflected that. I wanted bright colors to contrast black and white elements. I envision this collection hanging in a bright white space, beaming color all around. Here’s one of the pieces.

Like last month, I made a playlist to go along with the creative process! To be honest, the songs are a little moody and maybe not so technicolor—but, here we are!

Always Looking Forward

To be honest, God often speaks to me months to years in advance (generally a good year or two). That’s the funny thing about the prophetic. I’m constantly juggling what I know is on the way, while still living in the in-between. When I am in sync with God, I am often out of sync with the rest of the world. It can be a bit lonely on the hill of the Lord, if you don’t have a community that’s also in the slipstream of the Holy Spirit.

So while I’m trying not to get ahead of myself with this project, I’m already thinking about March! God spoke over February even before January began! And as always, He surprises me, even when He tells me what’s coming. The mysteries of God are alive and breathing into us.

In February, we will all need courage. But take heart! The month will be bright with technicolor if you fix your eyes on Jesus.

As C. S. Lewis wrote, courage, dear heart.



Joy // March


Abundance // January