Rest // July

We’re entering a time of rest. I’ve been watching so many people go through a really hard spiritual season, and we’re all a bit exhausted. The warfare, at least for me, has been non-stop since last winter, and I’m ready for a break! Or a breakthrough. Or some kind of shift. Something!

I feel a shift is coming. But to what, I can’t say for sure. But I do know that whatever God is in, will be good. 

About the Poem

Lately, the Lord has really been speaking into my dreams. I’ve always been a dreamer, but something about these last few months has been different. It’s like a whole new world has opened up in my nightly dreams. I’ve really been getting a lot of strategy and downloads about what’s going on. It’s a fascinating time. 

Sometimes, I feel like all my prayers and feelings and thoughts just empty out into a black void. But ultimately, I do know they reach God. I do know that He listens. And that He’s interested in what I have to say and how I feel. I know He cares about the things I care about—and truthfully, He cares way more about most things than I do.

So that’s really what He’s been speaking. Just that He has been listening and for a returning to Him. We’re always invited to “come up higher,” and perhaps more of us will accept the invitation this month.

About the Art

I had been feeling a bit stuck with my art. I’m still trying to work out my own voice in the creative process. What tools I like to use, what colors, what mediums. The Lord had told me that I would eventually land on what was for me and to have fun exploring and discovering—but truth be told, I have not been having fun trying to figure it out.

I did sit down though and really have some good studio time with acrylic/gouache washes and oil overlays, like the artwork below. I’m accepting that I’m drawn to bright, abstract colors, so that’s the direction I’m just going to keep working in!

The playlist for this month features some of the songs I have on repeat. Or ones that have been floating to the surface. I want to lean back into God’s arms much more this month and just let go. Release control. Trust a little bit more.

The Fight for Hope

To hope against hope—it’s a theme this year for me. I’m not sure what happened to all the “abundance” I felt spoken over this year, other than to say it’s been an abundance of disappointment and frustration and feeling stuck. But Hope is a person, and that person is Jesus Christ, and according to Him, He came so that I could have an abundant life. So in July, here’s to hoping for a little more of heaven on earth. It surely is possible. Things can turn around in a moment.



Iconoclast // August


Kairos // June