Remain // September

Over the summer, I was really wrestling and grappling with God. And in August, I did finally feel my restless heart stop turning over and over, stop resurfacing the same empty things. Today, I felt the Lord tell me to let out the sails of my heart. I believe it’s time for a turnaround in the Kingdom of Heaven. Things God was declaring over this year will be coming to pass, very soon.

This same time last year, God told me to “remain.” I got a very clear Word of the Lord, to remain, despite all obstacles. Despite how things looked. Despite what everyone else believed around me. And this September marks a year, and I’m still here remaining, barely, but here all the same.

You can’t manufacture steadfastness. It is formed in the fiery furnace of affliction. 

About the poem

I did in fact, meet a woman with the word remain tattooed on her wrist. And I just remember staring at it, probably like a creep. The image of it just burned into my mind. Because God has tattooed on each of our hearts, the imprint of His love for us. Return to Me, and I will return to you. This has been the verse over my life and in my heart since I was a young girl. It carries throughout Scripture. And to me, it’s embodied in the word, remain. God’s love for me remains in every season, always waiting for my return. 

And what if I never left?

The Lord told me in a previous season: The things you plant, grow. So often, I had felt like I planted seed after seed after seed, just to never see anything sprout or have life. I’ve been in so many barren seasons, it seemed like nothing would come to life. But like bulbs in winter, there is always a spring waiting. The right timing.

Let us be surprised by the things God decides to bring back to life in this season. He does hear and answer prayers, even though they may have been in slumber for a season.

About the art

I love this art piece so much. And I really want to love September just the same. So this artwork was created with a heart full of hope—full of passion and expectation for things to be different than they have been.

I love a good, chunky oil pastel. 

The songs for this month’s playlist have really been on my heart lately. I hope they bring you the same hope and peace they have brought me.

Out on the water

The blog cover I chose for this month is a call back to January, Abundance, because God has had me out on these waters for a long, long time. At the start of this year, I was believing for a cloud, believing for an abundance of rain. And I believed I would hear it before I ever saw it just like Elijah. And I’ve been out on these waters all year, still waiting, still believing. And the skies have been empty. But oh, may we never grow weary in the waiting, when we are waiting on the Lord.

I think I hear rain.



Iconoclast // August